The ACA needs you and this profession needs the ACA. We depend on the American Chiropractic Association.
What would we do without it? Membership only costs $1.66 per day to protect your future and your income. There is no reason
why every chiropractor in New Jersey is not a member of the American Chiropractic Association, our national organization,
and our state association, the ANJC (Association of New Jersey Chiropractors). The ACA membership application form is enclosed.
The ANJC website contains theirs.
The ACA and the ANJC are already working together to solve the Horizon BCBSNJ reimbursement problems
for denying E/M codes and physical therapeutic modalities. With these two organizations working for you, there is virtually
nothing we can't accomplish. We need your continued support.
The ACA has recently retained the services of Milberg/Weiss, a prestigious New York law firm specializing
in class action lawsuits. They intend to challenge chiropractic managed care companies that force participants to practice
an aberrant form of chiropractic standards. Those companies include, but is not limited to the following: American Chiropractic
Network (ACN), owned by United Healthcare Insurance Company, American Specialty Health Plans, (ASHP), Landmark Healthcare
and TRIAD.
When and if you hear your colleagues complain, ask if they are members of the "new" ACA. If they
are not, hand them a membership application.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call my office.
Frank A. Stiso, D.C., FICC, CCSP
New Jersey ACA Delegate